MagicBuddy is an advanced AI assistant within Telegram, offering solutions to your writing, coding, and daily queries. Its multilingual support includes 100+ languages for seamless global interactions. With natural conversation abilities, it feels like chatting with a human. MagicBuddy’s premium features boost productivity with tools like voice message transcription. Join thousands of satisfied users enjoying its intelligent assistance. Easy to use and always available, it’s the perfect digital companion. Search @MagicBuddyBot to get started now.
We send weekly email with all new GPTs.
No spam. Just 1 weekly emai.
Include this into your message:
- gpt url
- the boost type you wanna do and its price
- when you want it
Our team will contact you soon!
We will review your LLM soon!
Thank you for joining us. See you later!
Approximately, we add new tools within three months.
We will publish it with a no-follow link.
However, you can publish your tool immediately and get a forever do-follow link.